Expansion pool. What size will be best for the garden?

Expansion pool. What size will be best for the garden?
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The vacations are the perfect time to get out on the water. But what about when a trip is not possible? A swimming pool is the perfect solution for those who want to cool off on hot days. Find out which pool will be best for your garden!

The market offers a wide range of pools with different specifications. Differences in capacity, construction, size and design prove to be crucial in choosing a pool. Read the article to make sure you make a good choice!

Types of pools

In the offer of stores you will find a classic division into: inflatable, frame, inflatable jacuzzi and expandable.

As for the first type, its huge advantage is its low price. You can buy it even for less than 150 zł. Of course, this model is without any additional accessories such as a filter or a pump. Water to such a pool is poured in manually. On hot days, the water heats up quickly due to the small size of the tank. This is a good solution for kids of preschool age. Take into account that the water in an inflatable pool will very quickly lose its quality and become green. You can prolong its life by covering the pool with a tarp. A big advantage of having such a pool is its quick disassembly. When the weather conditions suddenly deteriorate, it will take you a while to assemble it

Rack pool is characterized by a much larger size, the whole is supported by a frame, and the structure is attached to the ladder. This tank is already designed for the whole family, its price is much higher, and installation requires a helping hand

Inflatable Jacuzzi triumphs since recently. This is a small pool, usually designed for one or two people. For such comfort we have to pay 2-4 thousand zlotys. The tank is equipped with a pump that heats the water and releases bubbles characteristic of jacuzzi.

Expansion pool is made of plastic, while the only inflatable element is its collar. Pet owners should be careful that their pet does not pierce the collar with its claws. This is a good solution especially for owners of children. The pool is made of soft material, which prevents injuries. The walls of such a pool are held in an upright position by the water that pushes on them. Its characteristic feature is quick installation and relatively low price. There is no ladder or pump in the set

What size to choose?

It is best to choose an extension pool with the largest possible size. Larger space gives comfort of use over many years. However, before you decide to buy the largest pool, evaluate the space you want it to be in. Choose the largest expanse of greenery and add to it a few feet at a time around the pool. A large sized pool will take several hours to fill. Consider locating it close to a water source, such as a hydrant or hose.

Think carefully about the purpose of the pool. Is it just for your kids, or do you have a vision of spending time in it with the whole family? Imagine where the water will reach you in the pool and calculate the final cost of filling a large tank

Before you decide to buy a pool, carefully check the shape of the surface of your garden. Choose a flat place, without sharp elements. Knowing what space you have to manage will make it easier to choose the size of the tank and its shape

Main photo: Vlada Karpovich/pexels.com

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